Operation Catnip x PPM Solar
**Every solar system installed through this program gives $1000 to Operation Catnip**
Hi, I'm Thomas, an independent sales consultant for a local company, PPM Solar. My girlfriend and I learned about Operation Catnip when a litter of kittens appeared in the backyard at our new apartment and chose us to be their humans.
Their playful antics and curious eyes instantly captured our hearts. We knew we had to do something to help these furry little friends.
After some research, we discovered Operation Catnip, a fantastic organization that spays and neuters stray cats to help control the population for free. We gathered up the kittens and took them to get spayed, ensuring they'd have healthier lives.
As we waited, I struck up a conversation with the volunteers and learned that Operation Catnip relies heavily on donations. Unfortunately, not many people could afford to contribute, putting the organization's future at risk. I couldn't help but feel for the countless cats that depended on their kindness.
Then, it hit me! From my work with PPM Solar in Gainesville, I knew that many of the same people who struggled to donate also faced high and rising energy bills. The company could help them save money every month by installing solar panels. And there was more - our referral program could create a win-win situation.
I proposed a plan: 
if customers of Operation Catnip contacted me to explore solar panel installation, my company would donate the referral bonus directly to Operation Catnip. This way, the organization could continue its crucial work, and our clients could save money on their energy bills.

Soon enough, as word spreads through the community, fellow cat lovers will start reaching out. Operation Catnip will receive a steady stream of donations as we provide affordable solar energy solutions to the people who need them most.
As for the kittens we found in our backyard, they're becoming beloved mascots of this collaboration between Operation Catnip and PPM Solar, a constant reminder that when we work together, we can create a brighter future for everyone - humans and felines alike.
See some of PPM Solar's work:
call, or text "CATNIP" to: (210) 845-5505
email: thomas@ppm.solar
**Every solar system installed through this program gives $1000 to Operation Catnip**
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